Sage EasyPay
Sage EasyPay uses information technology in order to provide payroll and human resources solution to its customers. It has a wide variety of modules within the system that customers are able to choose from. Some examples include Pay module, Leave module, HR module, Employee Self-Service module and many more.
The system’s simple interface allows for more efficient business processes in the company. It can also be tailored to meet the business requirements of any industry; ranging from small to large businesses.
It is reliable and ensures that the data entered is secured. As Sage EasyPay is used by many companies in Singapore, it does comply with the legislative requirements. The key benefits of the system are summarized below.
• Manual tasks reduced
• Flexible
• Data security
The Pay module assists users in managing the employees’ pay. The key functions of the module are:
• Maintain and retrieve employees’ pay information with ease
• Allows user to keep track of the overtime pay and many more
• Allows user to calculate bonuses and incentives quickly
• Stores employees’ pay history
• Enables printing of employee report as well as pay record report
The Leave module assists users in managing the employees’ leave. The key functions of the module are:
• Maintain and retrieve HR leave policies with ease
• Enables printing of HR template and reports
• Enables printing of leave costing report as well as leave provision report
The HR module assists users in managing the employees’ data. The key functions of the module are:
• Maintain and retrieve other HR information (besides payroll information) with ease
• Allows user to monitor medical claims as well as training details of employees
• Enables printing of job history report
Cost Centre
The Cost Centre module assists users in managing the accrual items in the cost centres. The key functions of the module are:
• Maintain and retrieve the allocated accrual items and its costs with ease
• Allows user to prorate the cost if there is multiple cost centres
• Allows integration with Sage 300
• Enables printing of cost averaging report
Project Costing
The Project Costing module assists users in managing the project resources. The key functions of the module are:
• Maintain and retrieve information on the resources used by employees for projects with ease
• Allows user to retrieve project cost based on employee
Employee Self-Service
The Employee Self-Service module assists employees in managing their HR information. The key functions of the module are:
• Enforces HR policies
• Allows integration with the HR administration
• Allows information to be accessed at any time